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Aurora tester for marvin. Subscribe for live updates at https://www.pushbullet.com/channel?tag=peters-marvin
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Peter van der meulen / happietaria
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 InternationalHappietaria 2016 base site
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Marvin script to automatically send comscore reports to mm-marvin channel on MittMedia's slack
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Espec demo app covering the basic use of ESpec and Meck in mix-based elixir apps.
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Peter van der meulen / alacritty
Apache License 2.0Alacritty from https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty but with some fixes
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Peter van der meulen / Marvin Live App
MIT LicenseMarvin Live app, Live-reporting news that matters!
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All the awesome dotfiles that I use to keep termux working (a terminal emulator and full-fledged vim/ruby/python/etc. supported *nix system running on Android phones!
The project is public for now as I haven't added any secrets bits yet
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